Massage Verbier
Massage Verbier
Jo is passionate about yoga, health and wellbeing. She discovered the healing effects of yoga after it cured her of chronic fatigue in 2007. Since then, she has studied yoga in India, Australia, Switzerland and the UK. She takes inspiration from any form of yoga which emphasizes expanding awareness, particularly through body alignment. From this type of training she believes you can become more consciously aware of all aspects of your life, which then creates a powerful place for transformation. She hopes that whether you are a student or teacher, you will also discover your own personal transformation at Wholeycow.
Jo is passionate about yoga, health and wellbeing. She discovered the healing effects of yoga after it cured her of chronic fatigue in 2007. Since then, she has studied yoga in India, Australia, Switzerland and the UK. She takes inspiration from any form of yoga which emphasizes expanding awareness, particularly through body alignment. From this type of training she believes you can become more consciously aware of all aspects of your life, which then creates a powerful place for transformation. She hopes that whether you are a student or teacher, you will also discover your own personal transformation at Wholeycow.
Tapashi Devchoudhury
Née dans une famille de brahmanes hindous dans le nord-est de l'Inde, Tapashi a été initiée aux asanas par son père, et à la sagesse des mantras védiques et des anciennes philosophies hindoues par sa mère très tôt dans sa vie.
Les enseignements ancestraux des philosophies orientales et une fascination pour la conscience humaine l'ont amenée à explorer des liens plus profonds entre le corps-esprit et la conscience.
Elle dirige une séance de yoga méditatif et fluide, mêlant le hatha yoga traditionnel au Tai-chi et au Qi Kung. Tapashi croit que le "Yoga" ne peut pas être enseigné, il ne peut être qu'expérimenté. Ses cours visent à rendre cette expérience accessible.
Tapashi propose également des traitements privés et des séances de libération des traumatismes sur réservation