Massage Verbier
Massage Verbier
Jo is passionate about yoga, health and wellbeing. She discovered the healing effects of yoga after it cured her of chronic fatigue in 2007. Since then, she has studied yoga in India, Australia, Switzerland and the UK. She takes inspiration from any form of yoga which emphasizes expanding awareness, particularly through body alignment. From this type of training she believes you can become more consciously aware of all aspects of your life, which then creates a powerful place for transformation. She hopes that whether you are a student or teacher, you will also discover your own personal transformation at Wholeycow.
Nous proposons des thérapies uniques pour vous aider à atteindre une santé physique, mentale et émotionnelle optimale.
Functional Medicine
Functional Medicine is a personalised, lab and science-based approach that seeks to find and address the underlying causes of disease and decline, and to promote optimal health long-term.
Do you have a health concern you would like to find and address the root cause for, or would simply like more depth to your prevention strategy?
Dive into your health history, symptoms and goals, decide on specialised testing* such as food allergies, hormones, gut microbiome, heavy metal load and more.
The initial consultation includes:
In- depth Initial Strategy Consultation (on Zoom) with Mirthe (up to 75 minutes) to decide on bespoke testing
Receive help organising bespoke testing* and a preliminary protocol with diet, lifestyle and supplement recommendations to get you started on right away
Access to the self-paced online course ‘Upgrade your health’ to learn more about how to upgrade your diet, sleep, movement and more for optimal health, some FAQs, plus some simplified scientific explanations on why these are important (90 CHF value).
Initial Consultation 350 CHF, 170 CHF Follow ups
Le Reiki est une technique de guérison japonaise, profondément relaxante, qui améliore le mécanisme d'auto-guérison du corps. Traduit du japonais, il signifie "énergie universelle de la force vitale". Le Reiki est bénéfique sur les plans mental, physique, émotionnel et spirituel :
*Détend le corps et l'esprit
*soulage la douleur, le stress, l'anxiété et la dépression
*Accélère la guérison des blessures, des opérations et des traumatismes.
Au cours d'un traitement, les mains sont placées doucement et passivement dans différentes positions sur et autour du corps, tandis que le praticien canalise l'énergie Reiki.
Lorsque nous travaillons avec le champ d'énergie d'une manière curative, nous pouvons aider le corps à retrouver un état de bien-être beaucoup plus rapidement.
L'intégration du Reiki au massage peut améliorer l'expérience de guérison du corps.
60 mins 120 chf
Naturopathy is considered a traditionnal european medicine approach and is supported by ASCA complémentary health insurance. The aim is to help you to identify why you are suffering and how to get back to an harmony thanks to natural techniques like nutrition, dietetic, phytotherapy, breath work, floral elixirs, micro-nutrition, hydrology and more.
Our health is gained or lost every day, in each act of our daily life so with an overview of all contributing elements, you can find your personal magical recipe for balance, return to your true nature and live in shape, in joy, and in health!
60 mins 130 chf