Massage Verbier
Massage Verbier
Jo is passionate about yoga, health and wellbeing. She discovered the healing effects of yoga after it cured her of chronic fatigue in 2007. Since then, she has studied yoga in India, Australia, Switzerland and the UK. She takes inspiration from any form of yoga which emphasizes expanding awareness, particularly through body alignment. From this type of training she believes you can become more consciously aware of all aspects of your life, which then creates a powerful place for transformation. She hopes that whether you are a student or teacher, you will also discover your own personal transformation at Wholeycow.
Jo is passionate about yoga, health and wellbeing. She discovered the healing effects of yoga after it cured her of chronic fatigue in 2007. Since then, she has studied yoga in India, Australia, Switzerland and the UK. She takes inspiration from any form of yoga which emphasizes expanding awareness, particularly through body alignment. From this type of training she believes you can become more consciously aware of all aspects of your life, which then creates a powerful place for transformation. She hopes that whether you are a student or teacher, you will also discover your own personal transformation at Wholeycow.
Jan Schlimmer
En tant que physiothérapeute du sport, Jan Schlimmer possède une connaissance approfondie de l'anatomie humaine, de la physiologie et du fonctionnement général des muscles. Son objectif est de s'assurer que vous comprenez clairement ce qui se passe dans votre corps et comment et pourquoi il fonctionne de cette manière. Jan travaille principalement en séances individuelles ou en petits groupes, car il est très attentif aux détails.
Ses séances conviennent à tous les niveaux de condition physique, en particulier aux personnes souffrant de blessures spécifiques, aux athlètes souhaitant entraîner des zones spécifiques ou aux personnes souhaitant renforcer leur confiance en soi.
Il propose également des séances d'entraînement privées personnalisées, des préparations aux compétitions, des séances en groupe, des massages, du taping sportif, du taping médical, ainsi que la prévention et le traitement des blessures.