Massage Verbier
Massage Verbier
Jo is passionate about yoga, health and wellbeing. She discovered the healing effects of yoga after it cured her of chronic fatigue in 2007. Since then, she has studied yoga in India, Australia, Switzerland and the UK. She takes inspiration from any form of yoga which emphasizes expanding awareness, particularly through body alignment. From this type of training she believes you can become more consciously aware of all aspects of your life, which then creates a powerful place for transformation. She hopes that whether you are a student or teacher, you will also discover your own personal transformation at Wholeycow.
Jo is passionate about yoga, health and wellbeing. She discovered the healing effects of yoga after it cured her of chronic fatigue in 2007. Since then, she has studied yoga in India, Australia, Switzerland and the UK. She takes inspiration from any form of yoga which emphasizes expanding awareness, particularly through body alignment. From this type of training she believes you can become more consciously aware of all aspects of your life, which then creates a powerful place for transformation. She hopes that whether you are a student or teacher, you will also discover your own personal transformation at Wholeycow.
Maddie Parker
Annie est originaire de Verbier.
Elle a voyagé dans le monde entier, notamment à New York, en Inde, à Bali, en Thaïlande, au Mexique, en France et au Sri Lanka, pour développer sa pratique personnelle du yoga et approfondir sa connaissance de la philosophie du yoga au cours des dix dernières années.
Elle propose des cours de Yin et de Yang, infusant la sagesse ancienne à notre monde occidental moderne d'une manière utile et compréhensible qui vous reliera non seulement à vous-même, mais aussi à l'univers dans son ensemble.
La vision d'Annie est de créer des cours nourrissant une qualité et une authenticité élevées pour incarner les enseignements du yoga, des tapis au monde entier.
Elle s'efforce de créer un environnement positif, léger et amusant pour que vous puissiez le pratiquer, car son but ultime est de vous aider à rechercher la paix et le contentement par le biais du yoga.